The voluntary service provides a rich non-formal and informal learning environment where people develop and practice transversal skills and acquire competences in the field. Research shows that 70-94% of adult learning is informal learning. The aim is to have these learning outcomes recognised within the reference framework of VET (Vocational Education and Training) and to have…


The voluntary service provides a rich non-formal and informal learning environment where people develop and practice transversal skills and acquire competences in the field. Research shows that 70-94% of adult learning is informal learning. The aim is to have these learning outcomes recognised within the reference framework of VET (Vocational Education and Training) and to have the competences valued by companies as well within a frame of mutual recognition at international level. It means for companies a very effective way to nurture and improve the transversal competences that may influence on both personal and business performance; for individuals getting aware of the personal key competences and of specific life opportunities in work, social life and education for personal and professional development.

LEVER UP (Valuing informal learning and transversal competences experienced in the voluntary service to increase employability, social responsibility and mobility) project exploits the legacy from the previous project ‘LEVER’ (2014-2016). LEVER UP pursues two main objectives:

  • Enhancing the mutual trust area, based on a common model and tools to value transversal competences in full transparency and transferability between VET, Volunteering and labor market.
  • Implementing a dedicated service, able to foster the whole system at international and national level and to run at full speed

The project outcomes include the enhancement of the model, coherently with the ECVET, EQF and EU Passport systems; the e_LEVER Space, including the infrastructure and the content for an easy access of the toolkit, the training and validation services; the pilots to test in each country the obtained products and the set up of a valuable triangle system  among the labour market, VET and the volunteering.

LEVER UP is funded by the European Commission, under the ERASMUS+ programme, KA2 Strategic PartnershipThe project involves five European countries and nine partnersFondazione Politecnico di Milano (Italy, lead partner), CSV.net (Italy), ECOLE – Enti Confindustriali Lombardi per l’Education (Italy), Fondazione SNS – Scuola Nazionale Servizi (Italy), ANCILaB (Italy), EC VPL European Centre Valuation Prior Learning (Netherlands), CEV – Centre Européen du Volontariat (Belgium), HOMINEM Challenge (Spain) and Good Network Foundation (Poland). The project starts in September 2017 and ends in November 2019.

Official website is coming soon. Further information on LEVER project at www.leverproject.eu.

Social Networkswww.facebook.com/leverproject