E-volunteering Handbook

As part of the project there a survey among the Ukrainian non-governmental organizations was carried out (198 organizations from all divisions of the country took part). Also three language versions, i.e. Polish, English and Ukrainian, of the E-volunteering Handbook were released. In the first week of its release the handbook was downloaded more than 800…


As part of the project there a survey among the Ukrainian non-governmental organizations was carried out (198 organizations from all divisions of the country took part). Also three language versions, i.e. Polish, English and Ukrainian, of the E-volunteering Handbook were released. In the first week of its release the handbook was downloaded more than 800 times. It is free and available in the following formats: pdf, EPUB, MOBI. It can be downloaded from websites such as e-wolontariat.pl and e-volunteering.eu.

e-v handbook

The project was funded under the Polish-American Freedom Foundation’s “Region in Transition” (RITA) Program, which was implemented by the Education for Democracy Foundation.


Good Network Foundation


GURT Resource Centre

The NGO Institute of Creative Technologies and Mass Media

Volunteering Сentre “Dobra Volya” and Kherson Charitable Foundation “Union”.